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Santiago hosts a large (and still growing!) scientific community working on Active Galactic Nuclei and extragalactic astrophysics, with expertise encompassing a very wide range of subjects, and covering the whole multi-wavelength spectrum. Currently four Universities [Pontificia Universidad de Chile (PUC), Universidad de Chile (UCH), Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) and Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB)] and three institutes (ALMA, CASSACA and ESO) host researchers working on AGN.
The Santiago AGN community is extremely active, as witnessed by the large number of AGN papers written over the past few years (~100 in 2017 and ~90 in 2018).

We organize monthly meetings to share ideas and present new results. If you are interested to join, or if you are visiting and want to give a talk to one of our monthly meetings, please write an email to[at]

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